| Jessica |
| 010990 |
| virgorian |
| tpbusinessschool|
| communicationsandmediamanagement |
| exkatongconventgirl|
| cmmcouncil |
| tptennis |
| shopaholic |
| loudhailer |
| narcissist |
| camerahogger |
| denimwhore |
| partyanimal |
| procrastinator |
besties <3
godsisters (:
some kinda magic
my babyy
my laughing gas
BFF <3
it's ladies night
sch's fun with them around
my leading ladies (:
jessica le bébé dit: Garçon gai voler autour dans les sous-vêtements pourpre
i bought snag have you?gosh now that is like the only men's magazine which has girls which are not say too showy but are totally none the less absolutely HAWT!but then again what are you so going to do about it sue me?damn one particular phrase just totally flew straight into my all-time favourites quote "it's not the size of your gun, it's the effect of your bullet"boy that is just totally classic.cordy messaged me earlier that she is going to get her wisdom tooth crashed and extracted talk about OUCH that is just somehow sure going to hurt.owells one more day to the end of my life in katong convent.woots that is just so hot though i really just do not want to go to school now and declare today my last day in school but damn i have to go back to do what?collect report book and worksheets aint life just so totally warped?i need somebody to make me happy.yay today was pretty warped as you know what our teachers were hardly ever there yes talk about slacking but seriously it aint the students just the teachers come on bitches protest about it.clubbing is so gone for me that is just so my past damn clubbing is only good when the company is good but totally shitez when the company is bad.sigh but i really really do hope the end of year clubbing nation in england would just rock my socks off as what can possibly be better then to just club till you drop when your rocking with your god sisterrs.anyway back to the much dreaded mugging im tired.i love you babyy you light up my life (: